DevOps methodology
DevOps is compounded from Development and Operations, which is a software methodology where the development team and operation team are brought closer and work together to complete the software development in a shorter time, compared to the traditional method.

How does the Cloud contribute to DevOps?
Cloud provides DevOps automation with a platform convenient for testing, deployment, and production. Using Cloud can reduce the communication process, as well as improving the contribution system for faster response and product to market time.
Most Cloud computing providers offer DevOps support and tools, which makes it easier for improvement and implementation.
Cloud has a tracking system for costs and adjustment, which makes it easier to track the record and making the process clear between development and operation. This also aids in shortening the time between processes.

A win-win relationship between DevOps and the Cloud
Cloud and DevOps have a very tight and secure relationship as one does not perform at its best without the other. Cloud and DevOps automate the process to bring agility to both teams, enabling them to work continuously aside each other based on the Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) model.
OceanTech Staff Capabilities
At OceanTech, our staff’s cloud computing experience has been proven through various testing methodologies, combined with our skilled vendor-agnostic resources, which all-in-all put us as your most appropriate candidate for cloud computing services.
What we Offer
- Building applications with top notch Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) capabilities
- Recognizing the cloud computing system that best suits your company goals
- Converting apps to various cloud vendors based on work demands and cost
- Building more responsive applications fit to the changing market trends, while staying mindful of current developments in Software as a Service (SaaS)
- Providing scalable apps to businesses that are ready to implement the Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud-based offerings
- Transforming your current system software into up-to-date apps to leverage the greatest benefits of cloud-based offerings

Cloud Computing Benefits

With Cloud computing, your company can grow without worrying about limited infrastructure.

High level security is by default for businesses choosing cloud computing.

IT costs can be significantly reduced using cloud computing.

Cloud computing users enjoy reliable access from around the world.